Forbrugeremballage til frisk frugt og grønt
Four new members to our NNZ family
Julia de Vries will be completing her graduation internship in International Business in the marketing department of the Royal NNZ Benelux. We are happy to provide Julia with the support needed to complete her studies and gain practical experience.
Thomas Hasper is gaining work experience related to his Finance & Control studies in the finance department of the Royal NNZ Benelux in Groningen.
Inger Zeevalkink has joined the Royal NNZ Benelux team as a sales professional in the Industrial Packaging department. Her experience will be very valuable to both our team and our customers.
Wiebe Visser has taken on the role of Group Controller/Sustainability Officer at the Royal NNZ Group bv. With Wiebe’s expertise in financial oversight and sustainability initiatives, he will play a key role in supporting our ongoing commitment to sustainable practices.
We wish Julia, Thomas, Inger, and Wiebe a successful journey with NNZ. Welcome to the team!
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